Michael Carroll & Co is sensitive to the specialist needs of the young person, and their needs within the Youth Court. The Youth Court will ordinarily deal with matters where the defendant is aged between 10 and 17 years old. As such, we will always try to fully explain to the young person (and his parent/carer) what to expect at the Youth Court. We will identify the key people they will meet, including the usher, judge or magistrates, youth offending officer etc.
Michael Carroll & Co, fully understands the uniqueness of the Youth Court and the uniqueness of the Young Person.
We will always remind the Youth Court that they are supposed to consider the welfare of the young person in the proceedings and that emphasis should be about prevention rather than punishment. We will fully explain to the young person all of the options available to them, the strength of the evidence against them, and what type of sentence to expect if they are found guilty. This will always be explained in a language appropriate to the young person. Sometimes in special circumstances, a young person will have to attend the adult court (Magistrates or Crown Court), and we would always work very closely with that person to ensure this experience is not frightening and that they understand what is going on.
We actively work with professionals and other agencies to secure the best solution for the young person and are very proud of the very strong relations we have made here, all of which work in favour of the young person. Finally, following court, we actively encourage our young clients to keep in touch. If ever they need any advice, that just might keep them on the right path, we are there for them at the end of the telephone – and soon to be Facebook!